Martijn Hohmann & Roel Meelkop – Meelkop Hohmann
Collaboration between Martijn Hohmann and Roel Meelkop.
Four tracks of approximatly 15 minutes each. Housed in a laser engraved all-black cardboard packaging with swiveling lid held by a silver screw. Limited to 111 copies.
review Vital Weekly 1451
Last year, Martijn Hohmann bumped into Roel Meelkop at a concert, and as two like-minded musicians would do, let’s work together on music. Hohmann mailed drones and field recordings to Meelkop, who did his magic (as in processing and adding sounds of his doing). Upon completion, a second round of new sounds and new reworkings resulted in four pieces of music, each around 15 minutes, so a solid hour of music. I have followed Meelkop’s work ever since his first cassette releases (first as Happy Halloween, then Mailcop and since the mid-1990s as Roel Meelkop), and I heard a lot of music (if not all, but I don’t like bragging). Meelkop most likely heard previous work by Hohmann and used some of his compositional ideas here and left some of his own out. In his solo work, Meelkop uses the collage form with intricate cuts, lots of dynamics and much less of all the all-encompassing drone approaches of heavily processed field recordings, even when not wholly opposed to these. In the four pieces, he does precisely that: play long-form drones of heavily processed field recordings. In the second piece, I recognised street sounds (cars passing), but otherwise, I didn’t. Various forms of electrical currents, machines whirring, electromagnetic signals from behind walls, that kind of thing. The laptop was the machine for Meelkop for many years. Still, for about two or three years (or more even), he also worked with modular systems, and, at least that’s what I assume, he uses the laptop for recording and editing, and in these pieces, he creates a long-form crossfade in all four pieces. There is the darkness of Hohmann’s solo work, with deep rumbles, spacious oceanic drifting and abandoned industrial spaces, and stale, cold wind licking rusty objects. This is one for everybody who loves the grittier and darker ambient works. It also comes in a beautiful package: minimal (as in, no information) but great design. (FdW)
Martijn Hohmann – Gaandeweg
CD in deluxe box with pasted circular territory comes with a booklet, various inserts and extra’s. Limited to 75 numbered and signed copies.
Gaandeweg is about change, slow inevitable change.
Released on May 1st 2024
This is Universaalkunst release MH17
Order directly by sending an email or order at Bandcamp
Each copy is different, you can ‘claim’ your own territory.
De Fabriek / Chandor Gloomy / Wipeç throught the hands of V-lars and bananskolen delivered by Goodiepal – Living in the Sky Train
released July 1, 2023 on UNIFAB
C90 Audio Cassette with priority mail labels and a Esperanto Pan European Union Passport stamped with credits. All packed in a stickered and stamped manilla rivet string envelope. Handmade & limited to 50 numbered copies. Each copy is personalised with the buyers name and address on the cover
For this release De Fabriek were: R.van Dellen, M. Hohmann, C. Jenkins, P. Pet and L.Mossing.
Mixed by Martijn Hohmann and Richard van Dellen, design by Universaalkunst.
De Fabriek / Esplendor Geométrico – Rooie Disco / Disco Rojo
Double CD in silkscreened tin-can holds various inserts housed in an stamped outer paper bag.
Limited to 150 copies.
Ant-Arctic Anti-Record
12″ anti-record multiple artwork with mini cdr limited to 12 copies.
This 3 mm thick lasercut and engraved acrylic Anti Record is playable and ends in a locked groove.
This is not a regular cut or pressed record but the grooves have been engraved using a lasercutter.
Playback at own risk, we are not responsible for the unlikely event of damage to your cartridge or stylus.
The mini CDr contains an edited version of the track Cryosphere which is taken from the forthcoming album Gaandeweg. Soundsources are processed recordings of melting ice, fighting ants and this 12″ record object.
Donkere Kamer re-release
Re-release of Donkere Kamer on black dye CDr. Limited to 50 copies .
Housed in a photographic paper style cardboard envelope with inserts, five photographs and a 35 mm negative held in a lighttight black inner bag.
Francisco Lopez – 1987
60 min. audio CD housed in a night-blue folder type cover. Limited to 150 signed copies.
Francisco López is internationally recognized as one of the major figures of the sound art and experimental music scene. For almost forty years he has developed an astonishing sonic universe, absolutely personal and iconoclastic, based on a profound listening of the world. Destroying boundaries between industrial sounds and wilderness sound environments, shifting with passion from the limits of perception to the most dreadful abyss of sonic power, proposing a blind, profound and transcendental listening, freed from the imperatives of knowledge and open to sensory and spiritual expansion.
Created at Messor Studios (Madrid) in 1987.
Re-edited and remastered at ‘Hundred Islands Studios’ (Rosclave enclave) in 2022.
Martijn Hohmann – Donkere kamer
Released on the ‘Now DAT’s What I Call Music’ label nov 1st 2022.
Field recordings made in Rotterdam, Breda, and Antwerp early 2022 and Groot Ammers summer 2021.
Additional processing, (soft)synths and mixing May-August 2022. All music Martijn Hohmann 2022.
Donkere kamer is a single sixty minute piece divided into five parts:
1 De Man Met De Zeiss
2 De Trein Der Traagheid
3 Sint-Anna Onder De Schelde
4 Markdal
5 Rietveld
The Label
Now DATs What I Call Music.. 16 different DATs by 17 great musicians. Each is an edition of 17 copies.
You can buy the DAT’s here and you also get the complete music as a download or go to Bandcamp and get a shorter edit / exerpt for free. Rutger Zuydervelt did the lovely design.
Review Gonzo (Circus)
Martijn Hohmann – Donkere Kamer
Op invitatie van Korm Plastics werden zestien DAT-tapes gerecycleerd (door artiesten als Radboud Mens, Orphax, Modelbau, Vertonen, enzovoort) en zo een vreselijk lot in de afvalcontainer bespaard. Slechts vijftien exemplaren van elke release worden te koop aangeboden, maar gelukkig wordt het geluid ook digitaal verkrijgbaar gemaakt. DAT nummer veertien draagt onze bijzondere aandacht weg: het is immers een eerbetoon aan Mark Rietveld, de fotograaf (Het Bos en Gonzo (circus)) die in juli 2022 op tweeënvijftigjarige leeftijd uit het leven stapte. Veldopnamen en softsynths vormen vijf dreunende klanklandschappen en dragen titels die allemaal naar de dood verwijzen. Soms nadrukkelijk (‘De Man Met De Zeiss’), een andere keer via een literaire of biologische en taalkundige omweg. Martijn Hohmann (De Fabriek) maakte onder andere opnames in de voetgangerstunnel onder de Schelde, toen hij er in gezelschap van Rietveld naar een concert wandelde. Er zijn ook subtiele kikkergeluiden te horen uit een natuurreservaat in Breda, en de zachte afsluiter bevat opnames gemaakt in een rietveld in de polders. Tussen het ruisende riet en de watergeluiden echoot een treurmars van drones. Dit is natuurlijk een prachtige laatste groet, maar ook zonder inhoudelijke voorkennis is ‘Donkere Kamer’ een sterke en knap uitgebalanceerde release. (pv)
De Fabriek – Operation Gerboise Bleue
Released on UNIFAB TAPES, a joint venture of Universaalkunst and De Fabriek..
Radiant red CDr with laser-die-cut cover plus C60 Cassette, multiple inserts, a BRL radiation dosage calculator and Potassium iodide tablets. All held in a printed green canvas tactical belt pouch (so you can carry this Fabrieks release wherever you go)
Limited to 23 handnumbered copies.
Vital Weekly 1344
In the nineties, Francis Fukuyama spoke about the end of history, now communism had ‘lost’ the cold war. Neo-liberalism forever and no more war. Some twenty years ago, De Fabriek was working on a project about war, but it seemed less relevant (not sure if this was after 9/11!), but the project was shelved and re-booted this year. War is now going on in our backyard (but never was out of any backyard, of course).
Housed in a small military bag, we find a CDR, a cassette, two tablets of Potassium iodide pills, a booklet and other paraphernalia.
Easily one, next to Barreuh’s recent release, one of the better packages in recent times, along with Staalplaat’s recent LP and CD (see last week). The cassette contains a mix of the material from 2000/2001, by core member Richard van Dellen, along with Barry Rikkering (also known as The Lost Attic, who died years ago), B. ter Hofte and Saphi, while the CDR contains recent music by Van Dellen, Peter ‘Pet’ Ehrmann and Martijn Hohmann (the latter responsible for the package). The cassette is a typical De Fabriek on cassette affair. Whereas their CDs and LPs contain music that has more development and more editing, some of their cassettes contain their rougher and experimental work. This cassette is one large jam festival of electronics running galore. A couple of synthesizers connected and directly communicating with sound effects run amok. Music for a head/space trip for sure.
On the CD, the war theme is more dominantly present, I’d say. Sounds of war machinery are used here, sounding like guns and cannons, set against military rhythms, saw tooth sounds and sine waves. Here the music is on an equal spacious long-form drift, but, and maybe this is progress after so many years, these drifts are concise and to the point. It all moves around a bit more than before. Some of the 2000/2001 sound material seems to return, now in some transformation mode, with additional new sounds, and more electronics, leading to new configurations and other directions. Sometimes reminding me of Pan Sonic, especially when it all becomes minimal but rhythmic synthesizer sounds, and it all sounds pretty grim. Grim but terrific, I’d say. (FdW)
Martijn Hohmann – The Holstein Tapes Vol. 1
Martijn Hohmann – The Holstein tapes Vol.1
Source material was taken from the reel-to-reel tape archive of sound recorder / editor Wim van Holstein (1944-1992). Tape manipulation, processing, (soft)synths and mixing by M.Hohmann.
Released on UNIFAB TAPES April 1, 2022
UNIFAB TAPES is a joint venture of Universaalkunst and De Fabriek.
Music by Martijn Hohmann
Mastered by Nÿland at 4 & Rising
Photography by Marc Heijmans
Design by Universaalkunst
Two track C40 ‘Petrol blue’ Audio Cassette with white on-body printing, wrapped in source tape material. Packaged in a deluxe handmade pasted box with various inserts on recycled tax envelope paper and postal relics. Limited to 50 copies, each copy different. Signed and handnumbered in gold ink.
Vital Weekly
Here we have a new label, going by the name Unifab Tapes, which is a sort of combination of Universal Kunst and De Fabriek, more tying knots here. The Holstein mentioned in the title is one Wim van Holstein, a documentary sound man, and teacher at the art academy
in Breda when Martijn Hohmann was student. Van Holstein died in 1992 in a thunder storm, one of the heaviest of that decennium. A few years ago, Hohmann received a bunch of old reels from Van Holstein’s widow, containing spoken word, sound and music. This is the basis of ‘The Holstein Tapes’, in which Hohmann uses these tapes, along with tape manipulation, processing and software synthesizers. Both sides have one long piece and in ‘Tunis’, I would like to think there are sounds of the city of Tunis, but I am not sure. There is some chanting, voices and sounds that have a Mediterrean character, and we have to believe Hohmann that these from Tunis. Side B has a rather poetic title, ‘The Synoptic Setting of a Thundery low and Associated Prefrontal Squall Line in Western Europe’. That happens to be the title of an article about that storm that killed Van Holstein. Hohmann already surprised us with ‘The Hohmann Transfer’ (Vital Weekly 1232), an excellent works into the depths of dark
ambient. Here too, field recordings are used, and I assume from sources that deal with weather. As on ‘Tunis’, they come in a heavily processed form. The resulting big fat dark drones fit right in the world of all those lo-di drone composers that we see a lot of these days. Hohmann’s music is quite a bit complexer, I would think, with more layers and perhaps better production; the fact that he had someone mastering this is another sign of taking matters seriously. Intense, atmospheric, and electricifying; these are the keywords that come to mind. (Frans de Waard, Vital Weekly 1330)
Gonzo Circus
Een rood kleurpotloodje (voor de recensent?) en een kaartje met in Frankrijk afgestempelde postzegels, zijn maar enkele van de bijlagen van deze prachtig vormgegeven cassette, verpakt in een luciferdoos. De op vijftig exemplaren gelimiteerde cassette zelf is metaalblauw en met tape omwikkeld. Uitgever van dit moois is Unifab Tapes, een samenwerking tussen Universaalkunst en De Fabriek. Met basismateriaal van geluidsman Wim van Holstein (1944-1992), softsynths en effecten maakt fabrieksmedewerker Martijn Hohmann twee boeiende en gevarieerde dronescapes van twintig minuten, doorspekt met authentieke veldopnames. Zo bevat Tunis opnames uit Tunesie (stemmen, gezangen, percussie, enzovoort) wat de track enkele momenten een feestelijk en opzwepend tintje geeft. De keerzijde is veel dreigender: we horen bewerkte opnames van voor en tijdens een hevige storm. Hier is niet meer duidelijk welke dreunen afkomstig zijn van echte donder en welke kunstmatig werden opgewekt. Halverwege valt de regen met bakken uit de hemel en neemt de dreundreiging nog toe. Deze track wordt nog zwaarder van betekenis als je weet dat Van Holstein tijdens een dergelijk onweer werd doodgebliksemd. De vreemde titel ‘The Synoptic Setting Of A Thundery Low And Associated Prefrontal Squall Line In Europe’ is trouwens afkomstig van een meteorologisch artikel over die fatale storm in augustus 1992. (Peter Vercauteren, Gonzo Circus juli 2022)
De Fabriek – HBBGVZ
Het Best Bewaarde Geheim Van Zwolle is a brand new release by De Fabriek is housed in a beautifully designed matchbox style packaging which slides open to reveal a fluorecent green cassette accompanied by several inserts and items. 50 copies were made only 25 will be up for sale starting friday april 16th:
update: this has now sold out.
De Fabriek hails from the Dutch City of Zwolle and started in december 1977 as a collective project.
Currently De Fabriek consists mainly of Richard van Dellen and Louise Nanuru and, in the style of a workers collective, works together with numerous musicians and artists (workers) providing a line-up that changes almost every release.
DE FABRIEK – HBBGVZ (cassette by Universaal Kunst)
This cassette is housed in what is by far the best package of this week: an oversized matchbox, with a spitfire on the front and a few matches inside, along with pieces of paper. There are also versions released by De Fabriek, in a fabric sample and a cigar box. This all reeks of the old days when cassette packaging dared to be different,
and this is mostly lost with current releases. The title acronym stands for ‘Het Best Bewaarde Geheim Van Zwolle’ (Zwolle’s best kept secret), which relates to the hometown of De Fabriek director Richard van Dellen. No doubt, a title with some irony, as on the first De Fabriek cassette, which dates from 1977, there was a song called ‘Kein Spass In Zwolle’, (No fun in Zwolle), which they updated a few times, but not on this new one. The usual cast of rotating members got a firm twist as none of the names on this cassette, but I understand that Richard is still part of it, and many of these are nicknames of fellow citizen’s of Zwolle. While the cover lists a bunch of tracks per side, it is not easy to single these out to individual tracks. Every section floats right into the next, and nothing stays on for very long. Throughout the music is slightly more abstract, following their more rhythm-based CD releases of late. The cosmic music thread that always was a part of their work is
something that lingers a bit stronger in this new release, along with elements of industrial music and collage-style cut-up, including a voice bit about Zwolle and the cry of an infant. These sixty minutes read like a good overview of the musical development of De Fabriek for the past 44 years, condensed to one tape. Not just a brilliant package, but excellent music as well! (FdW)
Modelbau – Senderfolge
Modelbau is Frans de Waard who has been on the forefront of the Dutch experimental music scene for decades and has been involved in numerous projects like Kapotte Muziek, Beequeen, Goem, Zebra, Freiband, Wander, Shifts, Qst, Wasm, THU20.. just to name a few..
Since 2012 Modelbau is Frans’ main project doing live improvisational electronics focusing on mainly analog sound sources.
“November 2020 was a very productive month for Modelbau. I spent no less than 20 evenings recordings bits of music, and as with all things Modelbau all of this is recorded live to two tracks. This month I used a lot of (iPad) synthesizers, a lot of radio sounds, Korg MS20 and only a small bit of cassettes. I selected the best bits, applied minimal editing.”
Senderfolge has been culled from these November 2020 sessions.
Here we find the Modelbau at its best: creating beautiful and subtle environments that feel quite familiar but alienating at the same time. Like the hazy memory of a place you have (almost) forgotten about.. Slowly shifting electronics with radio fragments and hiss trickling through and fading away again.
High quality ‘pro duped’ transparent on-body printed C60 cassette.
Housed in a deluxe debossed cardboard linen-look box packed in a specially designed shipping box. The shipping box itself is part of this release, all copies are slightly different and personalised. Open with care..
Limited to 40 numbered copies.
Senderfolge is released on 4-3-21
Martijn Hohmann – The Hohmann transfer
New full length CD by Martijn Hohmann released on De Fabriek records and tapes. A total of eight tracks make up this release which is a ‘free association between the various forms of leaving earth’ Traveling to the moon, losing one’s consciousness or the end of life itself, with the Hohmann family name as a starting point and guiding theme. Experty Mastered by Jos Smolders at EARLabs.
Martijn Hohmann – Yunus mini CDR
Yunus is single track burn-to-order miniCDR in a seaweed packaging
The harsh reality of migration intertwined with the dreamlike story of Jonah.
Martijn Hohmann – 130923_epalle mini CDR
Single 10 min. track mini CDR in a mini dvd style case.
Slightly edited fieldrecordings from Epalle France.
Limited to 12 copies, signed and numbered.
Martijn Hohmann – Maartje
Single sided pink 7″ limited to 199 copies.
Universaal Kunst MH06
Released as a birth announcement for Maartje Hohmann in an edition of 199 copies.
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Martijn Hohmann – Equivocal Generation
Single sided 7″ limited to 50 regular and 25 boxed copies.
Universaal Kunst MH04 / MH04A
Released on 24 Nov 2009; 150 years after the first publishing of ‘On the origin of species’
Recording and processing by Martijn Hohmann.
Thanks to Mars F. Wellink, Nynke Bijlsma and Lambert Deemsterhede.
For Charles D.
Regular edition
50 transparent vinyl copies in handmade foldout covers. Universaal Kunst – MH04
This edition is still available and can be ordered via email. Price: 9 euro a copy.
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Art edition
25 copies in handmade linen boxes with numbered and signed insert and banderole. Universaal Kunst – MH04A.
The translucent amber coloured 7″ playable object contains parts of leaves and insects resembling baltic amber.
This edition has now sold out. [nggallery id=7]
Various Artists – Geluidpost 2CDr
A co release between Lokaal 01 & Universaal Kunst – LP-CD 02.
2CDr limited to 250 copies released 17 september 2009
It contains all pieces that were in geluidpost during 2007 and 2008.
Janek Schaefer
Rudolf Eb.Er
Sonologie studenten
Steve Roden
Francisco López
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Vital review –>
Musiquemachine review –>
Martijn Hohmann & Marc Heijmans – Trendel mLP
single sided 12″, limited to 100 regular & 75 boxed copies, Released september 2007 – MH01
Trendel was created using the following soundsources:
A recordplayer playing records treated with a mezzotint rocker, a rubberband, water and a voicemailmessage.This single sided album has three tracks running on 45 rpm on one side and a silkscreened image on the other. Dedicated to Arthur van Keppel
The release is split into two parts:75 numbered copies were released in a pizza box containing 16 artworks by 16 different artists. This box was presented during the opening of the exhibition‘Outsiders’ in Breda the Netherlands.
The other part is a regular album release without a box, limited to 100 numbered copies housed in a silkscreened sleeve. This edition is still available and can be ordered via email for 12 euro a copy.
postage within EU: 8 euro, World: 15 euro Payment via paypal or banktransfer. [nggallery id=3]
Martijn Hohmann & Marc Heijmans – Mo
Black CDr, limited to 50 copies, released in 2003
Originaly composed for the listening space at ‘Luisterpost’, Lokaal 01
This recording also appears on the VA luisterpost 2CD
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Martijn Hohmann – Geheugen van een Eik
CDr, limited to 10 copies, released in 2003
Recordings of an art installation to commemorate The North Sea flood
of 1953 at Fort Sabina (Willemstad, The Netherlands).
The installation consisted of a large oak treetrunk made playable
by carving out the 50th tree-ring (the year of the flood)
and playing it like a looped record groove using a nail as stylus.
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or.. Check Discogs
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